20 June 2024 Label-free cancer cell death monitoring by stimulated Raman microscopy
Author Affiliations +
We present a compact and portable stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) imaging system capable of high speed, label-free imaging of cells and tissues. Our setup rapidly acquires multispectral datasets with high chemical specificity by scanning the spectral range of 700-3100 1/cm in just 100 ms, providing a tenfold increase in acquisition speed. It allowed to visualize cell nucleus and cytoplasm changes during drug induced cancer cell death. SRS offers distinct advantages, providing valuable insights into drug-cell interactions, cell morphology, and chemical changes without the interference of exogenous labels. The novel high-speed SRS systems allows rapid screening of drug effects on cancer cells.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Maximilian Brinkmann, Maryam Rezaei, Ramon Droop, Kai M. Eder, Felix Neumann, Björn Kemper, Christoph Engwer, Jürgen Schnekenburger, and Tim Hellwig "Label-free cancer cell death monitoring by stimulated Raman microscopy", Proc. SPIE PC13006, Biomedical Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Imaging III, PC1300608 (20 June 2024);
Cell death



Raman spectroscopy

Biological imaging

Biomedical optics

Imaging systems

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